Monday, May 25, 2020

Kumpulan Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan Pidato Bahasa Inggris - Menyampaikan pidato berbahasa Inggris sebenarnya tidak sulit. Terkadang, pidato bahasa Inggris memang diperlukan untuk menyambut acara tertentu atau sebagai tugas wajib yang harus dikerjakan siswa dan mahasiswa. Ketika menyampaikan pidato berbahasa Inggris, hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah grammar dan pemilihan bahasa. Kamu tidak perlu berpidato terlalu lama apabila audiens atau pendengarnya adalah siswa siswi. Jadi, kamu bisa memilih pidato dengan isi yang singkat, padat, namun jelas dan bisa ditangkap mereka. Berikut ini adalah contoh pidato bahasa Inggris singkat dan artinya yang dapat kamu sampaikan di berbagai macam event.

1.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang pentingnya pendidikan

The honorable, my teacher, and my beloved friends, good morning. First of all, thank you for having me here in this fine and joyfull morning. I hope we are all in the good health. Today I would convey in the importance of education in my short speech. On many occasions we hear the term education, but what is education? How importance is education to our country and ourselves as students?

Well, to answer the first question, education refers to a process by which a person develops their skills, attitudes and values. Many times we associate this term with the school, however we must also take into account that education is not exclusive to this institution, but also it is up to the family and even to the friendships with whom we live together day by day, that is why we can say that “men can get to improve each other.” There is a phrase that I like very much and I find it very true. If the people of a country care about the education, it shows that they love their nation. It is said that in order for a country to prosper it needs education, but why?

The honorable audiences, we study not to go to the graduation ceremony and hang our picture on the wall of our house, much less to show off to our friends. we study to practice and to acquire knowledge, and those two then will prepare us to the real life situation. Education brings us too many benefits, such as confidence in ourselves, freedom to decide, conscience as a whole, help us to improve ourselves, to feel fulfilled, to feel that we are something in life and that we have an end for which to live. But this is not the only satisfaction that education gives us, but with it we achieve a better quality of life; When we want to buy a dress, shoes, food, or anything else, we need a work, which currently is not so easy to find and less if we don’t have an adequate education.

It is said that the future of our country is in the hands of the children and as the children in this country, we must try hard to achieve that. That is why today I invite all the audiences here to reflect on the importance of education. We have to take advantage of this chance to be able to go to school to study. We must appreciate the effort that our parents make to send us to school, and think that there are many children who would like to study but for some reason they can not do it.

Finally, ask ourselves: without effort and education, how do we want to improve ourselves? How do we want to live better? In short, how do we want a better country?. Therefore, education is an important part of our life as well as an essential part to develop a better future for the country. So this is the end of my speech today. I hope some of the points that I have conveyed today make us more appreciate of our chance to be able to have the education at school and make us study more dilligently for both our country’s and our own future. I thank you for the attention. Good day.

2.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan

Good morning, audience

Let me give a speech about the environment so that we can reap many lessons. As we know, the environmental conditions that we live today are very different from the environment several decades ago. In the past, we could easily find trees, now the land containing plants has been replaced with housing.

Environmental problems are not only limited to plants. If we are sensitive, many fauna or animals lose their habitat. Humans seize their place of residence, so that animals have difficulty getting a place to live again. Not infrequently, animals that cannot get a house will attack humans in order to get food.

Therefore, we should start from ourselves to foster a sense of love for the environment. Use methods that are easy and simple, for example by throwing garbage in its place, not using plastic when shopping, and saving on water use. So my speech about the environment from me, Let’s take care of the environment together.

3.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang sumpah pemuda

Assalamu'alaikum, Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuh

Honorable, all teachers of mine. Respectable, all attendees here. And my dear friends all over there and here.

First, let us worship and praise our presence in Allah SWT who has always given us health so that on this occasion we can gather here in commemoration of the youth pledge day.

My dear colleagues and attendees.
If we see reality now, people are pampered by this modern era. The progress of technology that is getting higher and higher "lullabies" us so that we fall asleep like kids. Television already uses a remote, handphone already has complete facilities. Vehicles that are getting more complete and many more. Everything is possible to find today.

But behind all that comes a new habit, especially for the youth, that is laziness. All conveniences make us lazy to do things that are considered difficult.

If we allow this, of course the impact will be very bad for them and their future. As young people we must also be aware of this lazy disease. This lazy disease is very dangerous for our future. Slowly laziness will make us unable to do anything when we are faced with the rigors and misfortunes of life.

My colleagues of whom I'm proud, so from now on let us roll up our sleeves and raise our spirits. Do not let those lazy feelings shackle us. Do not let those lazy feelings confine us so that we become a generation of cowards, become a generation that is weak and cannot do anything.

We must be able to be a generation that can be relied upon and proud of. We must be able to be agents of renewal of our environment. Youth is a passionate time, youth is a passionate time. Let us act in a positive direction. We make ourselves an example of goodness that is able to transmit enthusiasm to our other colleagues.

Maybe that's all I can say, hopefully next time we can meet again. Sorry if there are many words which make you all hurted.

I would like to express my gratitude.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarokaatuh.

4.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang hari pahlawan

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

First of all let’s pray and thanks unto our God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can attend in this program without any trouble and obstacles.

In this good opportunity, I would like to deliver a speech titled "Heroes Day".

The aim of this speech reminds us that heroism, patriotism and nationalism that are very important in the development of our country. Without those attitudes, it is impossible for us to make us survive in the country. As the Indonesian nation, we must know the history of the national struggle and twists, to get rid of the invaders who ruled Indonesia. It seems this struggle feels very heavy, because life is at stake.

Children of brothers and sisters, who are Indonesian citizens

Every 10 November, Indonesian people must remember the past again the destiny of our nation. We recall the heroes fight. They prefer they shed upon our nation, which is seizing a victory for homeland Indonesia who mastered the invaders. Taken on the hero’s battle in Surabaya, This war faced against Dutch and Allied troops because of the struggle to get Indonesia independence. The height of the fight is in November
1945. The battle was the heaviest single battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian resistance. The heroic effort of the Indonesians battle helped our people to get international support for the independence of Indonesia. In the battle, November 10th is celebrated annually as hero’s day.

The battle of Surabaya was one of the fights going on in our country through the situation of the independence of Indonesia. Other people did from all over the region in Indonesia a similar thing. Our people fought against the colonial powers to maintain our independence. Our people struggled to build a free country. They sacrificed everything, including blood and lives.

Brother and sister

In a very bright of this morning, let us stretch our hands begging for God. We hope we are all fighters getting a happy. We hope to God Always gives spiritual and material strength of our leaders who are too harsh on the prosperity of its people. We hope that the Indonesian nation gets glorious, peaceful, quiet, safe and quiet. We hope that the Indonesian people are protected from damage. We hope that God is always with the struggle of our leaders and retaliation from the righteous with the manifold reward in the afterlife.

That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

5.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang Hari Kemerdekaan

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Let us praise and Thanks to Almighty God. Who has bestowed grace and guidance to all of us, so, we can gather in this room in healthy. I have to thank you for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech with the theme the role of the younger generation in the independence of Indonesia.
The happy audience

Today we are celebrating our independence day. Did you know 70 years ago before we fought at the expense of people and their possessions to repel the invaders from our land? They struggle with very bold in seizing and defending the independence of our country from the hands with raised arms and amidst a hail of lead. All of that is done for one reason and that is to our nation's independence.

The happy audience

The independence that we have been able to at this time does not mean that our struggle has been completed. Precisely at this time, we should strive to maintain and replenish the independence of Indonesia. We are as a nation of Indonesia, particularly the younger generation has a very important role for the progress and peace of our country. This is because the younger generation is the spearhead of our current struggle. However, the fact that the younger generation now mostly being individualism, being hedonism and had a low of nationalism's soul. Obviously this is a huge problem for our nation, what will become our nation of this generation are losing the values a noble character, spirit to live together, help each other and between each other.

The happy audience

With a high spirit of nationalism, as young generation, we can continue the struggle of the heroes that have been credited to us. If they used to be fought with weapons, we struggle with books and stationery to fight for the people of Indonesia. We should be always optimistic and always eager to provide the best for our beloved homeland. So we can make it work and learn, progressing as well as the nation's name and fill out the scent of Indonesia independence with as well.  The spirit of nationalism and patriotism is high within us.

The happy audience,

As human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I don’t forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.

Long live my Indonesia!

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

6.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang hari kartini

Good morning ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends. Thank you for the time and opportunity that have been given to me this morning to talk about Kartini’s day. First of all I would like to give be together here in the good health.

Kartini Day is celebrated every 21st of April. The date is the birthday of the hero of women’s emancipation. Raden Ajeng Kartini is the national hero who fought for the rights of women. She brought change for Indonesian woman. Because of her, Indonesian people, especially women can achieve freedom and independence in the country of Indonesia. Kartini’s presence free the woman in Indonesia from bad culture in the colonial era such as not being able to go to school and not have the same rights as men. Because of Kartini’s ideas, women in Indonesia have equal opportunities and rights to get education and realize their goals.

Kartini was born and raised in a noble environment. Kartini received a pretty good education, unlike indigenous women who come from among ordinary people. She studied at the ELS (Europese Lagere School) until he was 12 years old. However, after that, Kartini is required to stay at home according to Javanese tradition. Nevertheless, Kartini continues to learn. She taught herself and corresponded by mail with her friends who came from the Netherlands. Because she was reading many references from Europe, Kartini wants the women of her country to be no longer oppressed and can go forward with men. Collection of Kartini letters are published with the title “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang”.

From that time, Kartini’s action to promote women in Indonesia was began, including by establishing a school of women with the support of her husband. Unfortunately, Kartini died at a young age, which is 25 years old, a few days after giving birth to her first and last child. Kartini’s birthday, April 21, was commemorated every year to commemorate the struggle and devotion of the Indonesian women’s warriors.

Ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends, We all must be impressed with the figure of Raden Ajeng Kartini. Kartini has been the inspiration to all of us. The fight of her is very important for our country. In addition, there are now many modern-day Kartini Kartini like our mother, our teachers, and the women around us. The women work hard for the life. By imitating the figure of R.A Kartini, we can take the action to continue the fight and ideals of Ibu Kartini to save the women. It is because today there are still many women who need help and need the new Kartini who fight for their rights. Therefore, let us try to learn the attitude and behavior of Kartini.

Therefore, we should not be lazy to study. Not only women, but also men. We can all participate so that the nation of Indonesia becomes a better nation. Just imagine Kartini was struggling to fight for education, so we should not waste it just like that. We have to be a good generation that can make our parents and friends around us proud. Do not give up easily.

Ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends, this is the end of my speech about Kartini. I hope we can all be better generations. Finally I apologize if there is the mistake in this speech. Thank you for your attention.

7.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang bahaya merokok

Good morning the ladies and gentleman and also my friends, thank to God for his grace we can all together on today. First of all, I would like to thank you for the opportunity given to me today to deliver one or two words about the dangers of smoking, especially for the students.

As we often encounter in cyberspace or the real world, many people are addictive to cigarettes. It is not a secret that smoking happens not only to adults, but also to the under aged children. They already know cigarettes and even have sucked it without any fear and any further think about health in their bodies later. There are also some smokers who already knew the dangers and effects of smoking, but they seem not to care due to the various reasons to keep smoking. They know that cigarettes are very dangerous for health and further life.

For most students, smoking is caused by the environmental factors. For example, the student feels ashamed to his friends because he does not smoke. So he began to try to smoke and eventually become addicted to the cigarette. Most students also assume that by smoking he feels more intense and feared. In fact, if he is not careful, cigarettes can be the beginning of other drugs.

Cigarettes included the addictive substances because they can cause addiction (addiction) and dependency (dependence) for the person who sucks it. In other words, smoking is a class of drugs (Narcotics, Psychotropic, Alcohol, and Addictive Substance). Each cigarette contains more than 4000 kinds of harmful chemicals for the body. Four hundred of them can have toxic effects, while 40 of them can cause cancer. Cigarettes also produce smoke that contains various harmful chemicals. Inhaling cigarette smoke as well as toxins into our bodies. Lots of diseases caused by cigarette smoke. Smoking habits not only disrupt the smoker but also disrupt the people around the smokers.

The smoke of cigarettes contain harmful chemicals, including nicotine and tar. Nicotine is a potential nerve toxin and it is usually used as a raw material for various types of insecticides. At low concentrations this substance can already make a person addicted. The next is tar. Tar is a collection of thousands of chemicals contained in cigarette smoke and is carcinogenic or can cause cancer. At the time the cigarette smoked tar into the oral cavity as steam, after the cold vapor will become solid and settle brown on the surface of teeth, respiratory tract, and lungs. In addition to nicotine and tar in cigarettes still contain many other harmful chemicals.

With all the facts that exist, it can be concluded that cigarettes are toxic to us all. Cigarettes cause various health problems. There is no research if smoking can bring the positive impact. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, from now on we must help each other to advise smokers, whether it be ourselves or those around us. Our concern can save many sides, from the smokers itself, the people around it, and also our earth. In the absence of cigarette smoke, our earth can breathe a little relieved.

Ladies and gentleman, that’s all my speeches for today. I hope we are all increasingly aware of the dangers of smoking. Do not let cigarettes suck the lives of those we love. For your attention and time, I thank you all.

8.Pidato bahasa inggris tentang bahaya narkoba

Drugs Addiction and Its Effects to Indonesian Teenagers
Good morning my beloved friends and all the respectable teachers. First of all, I am grateful for this chance to be able stand here in this beautiful morning to deliver my speech.

I am going to address a widespread and serious problem within teenagers in Indonesia: Drugs addiction and it’s effects. It should come as no surprise that drugs have negative effects on its user’s life. There are already many organizaions and platforms that support “say no to drugs.” We also may already heard about the effects of drugs from various sources. But my question is, how much do you really know?. Therefore I have already compiled 3 of the most dangerous side effects of drugs addiction for us as the teenagers.

My friends and my teachers, the first danger that the addicts must face is injuries. Drugs use and injuries are closely related because of the violence tendency that comes from drugs substance. The World Health Organization explains, “Drug use may be linked to violence at the direct psychopharmacological level.” So it means that the drug users are prone to violence when they are high. They will easily commit violent actions like hurting their friends, family, or even themselves because drugs reduce their inhibitions. Another source for injury is crime commited by the drug users. we know that drug is expensive, especially when it’s been used a lot and constantly. The addicts will do everything to get their next fix eventhough it means that they have to steal, rob, or hurt their love ones to funds their drug needs. It’s no surprise that there are many drug-related accidents, injuries, and deaths each year.

Then, the second danger that we need to be aware of is health problem. There’s nothing healthy about using drugs. Drug is chemical substance. There are various effect drugs can bring to our body, and most of them are harming. People who suffer from addiction often have one or more accompanying medical issues both in the short and long term such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain for short effect, and if it is used in the long term it can cause cardiovascular conditions, it can also eventually damage kidneys and liver. There are still may health problems that accompany the use of drugs. Let’s be real here, it is impossible that the doctors are very againts drug abuse if it is not dangerous for the health.

The honorable audience, the third effect of drug use is Behavioral Problems. As I said before, drugs are chemical substance that must have bring many side effect to the user. It is generally bad for your brain, and consequently, it will affect your behavior. Paranoia, aggressiveness, hallucinations, impaired judgment, impulsiveness, and loss of Self-Control are some of the many behavioral problems. These problems can damage our life. The paranoia and hallucinations can make us hard to concentrate and will eventually disturb our study resulting in lower grades and failure at school. The aggressiveness, impaired judgment, impulsiveness, and loss of Self-Control can lead us to troubles in both school and at home. Are we really willing to ignore that for only a temporary happiness?

Ladies and gentlemen, After knowing the danger of drugs addiction, i hope that it can hamper my friends’ curiosity in using drugs. The teen years are often a time to explore and experiment what life can offer. But I can assure you, my friends, that there are more to the life than drugs. People use drugs to feel happy and to forget their problem. But if we look around us, our friends and family are the ones who can make us happy. If you have problems, just talk it out, you don’t need to keep it by yourself. And if you have the urge to try drugs, remember your future that can be ruined by using it.

My beloved friends and teachers, I think that’s all for my speech, hopefully some of the points can be beneficial to everyone here. And the last, Keep save, and say no to drug. Thank you for your attention.

Demikianlah contoh pidato bahasa Inggris yang bisa kami tampilkan untuk anda. Nanti. Akhir kata, terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog ini, semoga bisa menghadirkan yang terbaik untuk anda semua. Sampai jumpa di artikel selanjutnya. Have a nice day, Bye

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